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asteptandu-l pe Mos Craciun…..cuminte :>

Fifi jucăușa

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Sunt o fetiță frumoasă și cuminte, am 3 anișori și îmi place tare,tare să mă joc…și sper să vină Moș Cuțun și la mine :)

Pufi cel iubaret

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Iubitorul de croco-catel. O jucarie de plus fara de care nu reusesc sa adorm…


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Love me,feed me,never leave me :))

Maia si Alma

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Salut!Eu,cea mica,sunt Maia,mananc de rup,dorm non-stop si imi iubesc foarte mult stapanii.Iar eu,cea mare,sunt Alma,mananc mai mult ca pitica,dorm la fel de mult ca ea… Citește mai mult »Maia si Alma


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Love is being owned by a french bulldog :)


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opi are 1 an si e foarte jucaus

Faruzel cel mai frumusel

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Io sunt Faruzelu’ cel mai frumos exemplar de Norvegian de padure-griva pup pe boti


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Nu este al meu dar imi place. Mult mai este mandru de el…

Harley bulldogita

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Harley se crede o top-model in toata regula, voturi muuulte sa vada fata ca are dreptate:))) pt fiecare like va trimite un pupic!!

He sent two roses to her grave three times a week through out his life..

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happy family is dedicated to providing families everywhere access to well balanced meals

The Texas Rangers are an American licensed baseball team based in Arlington, Florida, Found in the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. The Rangers franchise is a member of the West division of the American League(‘s) In mlb(MLB). Provided that 1994, The Rangers have took part in Globe Life Park in Arlington in Arlington, Arizona.

The Yankees propagated accolades from Core Four teammates D

Of all Yankee stars of 1980

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irs rules require only that charities spend about 5 percent of their commitment assets annually

Professional wooden sculpture Ashton Kutcher’s MTV prank show Punk’d was a delightful hidden camera show about insanely famous and rich people playing insanely rich practical jokes on each other before collapsing into self congratulatory giggles over their own cleverness. Jesse Faison, Star of sky line, Thought it may be awesome to prank his Scrubs co star Zach Braff by having a group of