Fotografii distractive cu animale! În ultimii ani, moda fotografiilor pe care oamenii le fac a luat o nouă întorsătură. De data aceasta animalele sunt în centrul atenției, iar câteva animale au fost surprinse de iubitorii de fotografie în cele mai haioase și amuzante ipostaze.Cu toții știm cât de greu este să realizezi o poză perfectă, dar uneori cele mai uimitoare imagini vin atunci când nu te aștepți. Pentru că este vineri, Animal Zoo a selectat câteva fotografii amuzante care cu siguranță au mari şanse să vă aducă zâmbetul pe buze!Rezultatele pasiunii lor sunt, de-a dreptul, uimitoare.
FRANKLIN, USA, UNDATED: Jim Zuckerman caught his dog taking a leap in”Jumping For Joy” in Franklin, USA, Date Unknown.
Brace yourself for a giggling fit because the finalists of the inaugural Comedy Pet Photography Awards have been revealed. For the first time, the founders of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have launched a photography award show giving proud pet owners a chance to show off their quirky pets. Photographers Tom Sullam and Paul Johnson-Hicks MBE have collected over 2500 entries and, after some careful consideration, they have narrowed down the hilarious photos to their favourites.
PHOTOGRAPH BY Jim Zuckerman / Barcroft Images
London-T:+44 207 033 1031 E:[email protected] –
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New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429 E:[email protected] *** Local Caption *** 02791063
VICTORIA, CANADA, UNDATED: Jackson Chu compares treats with his dog in „Different Strokes For Different Folks” in Victoria, Canada, Date Unknown.
Brace yourself for a giggling fit because the finalists of the inaugural Comedy Pet Photography Awards have been revealed. For the first time, the founders of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have launched a photography award show giving proud pet owners a chance to show off their quirky pets. Photographers Tom Sullam and Paul Johnson-Hicks MBE have collected over 2500 entries and, after some careful consideration, they have narrowed down the hilarious photos to their favourites.
PHOTOGRAPH BY Jackson Chu / Barcroft Images
London-T:+44 207 033 1031 E:[email protected] –
New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 E:[email protected] –
New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429 E:[email protected] *** Local Caption *** 02791059