=CURDATE() order by id desc"; $dbc = mysql_query($query); //check widget if(isset($_GET["quizid"])){ $_GET["quizid"]=cleanup($_GET["quizid"]); $qy = "select * from quizes where id=".$_GET["quizid"]; $resource = mysql_query($qy); $rw=@mysql_fetch_assoc($resource); $q2= "select * from quizes where start<=CURDATE() and end>=CURDATE() order by id desc"; $res2 = mysql_query($q2); $row1 = @mysql_fetch_array($res2); //var_dump($rw); $quiz_id = $rw["id"]; if(isset($_COOKIE["quiz"][$quiz_id]) and $_COOKIE["quiz"][$quiz_id]==$quiz_id){ //grafic $graficsondaj=""; //constructie grafic sondaj $graficq1="select count(*) as count, `vote` from `qvotes` where `quiz_id`=$quiz_id group by `vote`"; $resg=@mysql_query($graficq1); while($resultgraf = @mysql_fetch_assoc($resg)){$graf[]=$resultgraf;} //var_dump($graf); $total=0; foreach($graf as $vot){$total+=$vot["count"];} foreach($graf as $vot){ $newkey=$vot["vote"]; $procente[$newkey]=round($vot["count"]/$total,2)*100; } $data=base64_encode(json_encode($procente)); //var_dump($row1); for($j=1;$j<5;$j++){ $keyname="answer".$j; if($row1[$keyname]!=""){$answ[]=$row1[$keyname];} } //var_dump($answ); $raspunsuri=""; $intrebare=$row1["question"]; foreach($answ as $answer){ //$answer=textTruncate($answer,50); $raspunsuri.="
  • $answer
  • "; } $raspunsuri="
    "; $intrebare="$intrebare
    "; $graficsondaj="
    "; if($row1["tip"]=='concurs'){$graficsondaj='Ati participat deja la concurs, va multumim!';} print $graficsondaj; }else{ if($row1[0]==$quiz_id){ print thehtml($rw); }else { //grafic $graficsondaj=""; //constructie grafic sondaj $graficq1="select count(*) as count, `vote` from `qvotes` where `quiz_id`=$quiz_id group by `vote`"; $resg=@mysql_query($graficq1); while($resultgraf = @mysql_fetch_assoc($resg)){$graf[]=$resultgraf;} $total=0; foreach($graf as $vot){$total+=$vot["count"];} foreach($graf as $vot){ $newkey=$vot["vote"]; $procente[$newkey]=round($vot["count"]/$total,2)*100; } $data=base64_encode(json_encode($procente)); $row = @mysql_fetch_array($dbc); //var_dump($row); for($j=1;$j<5;$j++){ $keyname="answer".$j; $answ=array(); if($row[$keyname]!=""){$answ[]=$row[$keyname];} } //var_dump($answ); $raspunsuri=""; $intrebare=$row["question"]; if(!empty($answ)){ foreach($answ as $answer){ $answer=textTruncate($answer,50); $raspunsuri.="
  • $answer
  • "; }} $raspunsuri="
    "; $intrebare="$intrebare
    "; $graficsondaj="
    "; if($row["tip"]=='concurs'){$graficsondaj='Ati participat deja la concurs, va multumim!';} print $graficsondaj; } } exit; } if($row = @mysql_fetch_array($dbc) ){ $quiz_id = $row[0]; if(isset($_COOKIE["quiz"][$quiz_id]) and $_COOKIE["quiz"][$quiz_id]==$quiz_id){ $graficsondaj=""; //constructie grafic sondaj $graficq1="select count(*) as count, `vote` from `qvotes` where `quiz_id`=$quiz_id group by `vote`"; $resg=@mysql_query($graficq1); while($resultgraf = @mysql_fetch_assoc($resg)){$graf[]=$resultgraf;} $total=0; foreach($graf as $vot){$total+=$vot["count"];} foreach($graf as $vot){ $newkey=$vot["vote"]; $procente[$newkey]=round($vot["count"]/$total,2)*100; } foreach($procente as $intrebare=>$procent){ $graficsondaj.="
    intrebarea $intrebare:
    "; } $data=base64_encode(json_encode($procente)); //var_dump($row); for($j=1;$j<5;$j++){ $keyname="answer".$j; if($row[$keyname]!=""){$answ[]=$row[$keyname];} } //var_dump($answ); $raspunsuri=""; $intrebare=$row["question"]; foreach($answ as $answer){ $answer=textTruncate($answer,50); $raspunsuri.="
  • $answer
  • "; } $raspunsuri="
    "; $intrebare="$intrebare
    "; $graficsondaj="
    "; if($row["tip"]=='concurs'){$graficsondaj='Ati participat deja la concurs, va multumim!';} print $graficsondaj; } else { //print HTML_Code($quiz_id, ""); print thehtml($row); } } else { print "Ne pare rau, pentru azi nu este definit nici un chestionar sau sondaj!"; } function thehtml($row){ $html=""; $tip=$row["tip"]; switch($tip){ case "intrebare": $html="
    "; $i=1; while($i<=4){ $key="answer".$i; if($row[$key]!=""){ $html.="$row[$key]
    \n"; } $i++; } $html.="
    "; break; case "concurs": $html="
    "; $i=1; while($i<=4){ $key="answer".$i; if($row[$key]!=""){ $html.="$row[$key]
    \n"; } $i++; } $html.="Adresa de mail:

    "; break; case "sondaj": $html="
    "; $i=1; while($i<=4){ $key="answer".$i; if($row[$key]!=""){ $html.="$row[$key]
    \n"; } $i++; } $html.="
    "; break; default: $html="
    "; $i=1; while($i<=4){ $key="answer".$i; if($row[$key]!=""){ $html.="$row[$key]
    \n"; } $i++; } $html.="
    "; break; } return $html; } function textTruncate($string, $length = 80, $etc = '...', $break_words = false, $middle = false) { if ($length == 0) return ''; if (is_callable('mb_strlen')) { if (mb_detect_encoding($string, 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1') === 'UTF-8') { // $string has utf-8 encoding if (mb_strlen($string) > $length) { $length -= min($length, mb_strlen($etc)); if (!$break_words && !$middle) { $string = preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/u', '', mb_substr($string, 0, $length + 1)); } if (!$middle) { return mb_substr($string, 0, $length) . $etc; } else { return mb_substr($string, 0, $length / 2) . $etc . mb_substr($string, - $length / 2); } } else { return $string; } } } // $string has no utf-8 encoding if (strlen($string) > $length) { $length -= min($length, strlen($etc)); if (!$break_words && !$middle) { $string = preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/', '', substr($string, 0, $length + 1)); } if (!$middle) { return substr($string, 0, $length) . $etc; } else { return substr($string, 0, $length / 2) . $etc . substr($string, - $length / 2); } } else { return $string; } } ?>