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Ukraine, Huta | 27.02.-01.03.2014 | The cage of the five bears (1 male bear + 1 female bear with three cubs) that belongs to the area of the winter residence | Due to demonstrations ukrainian president Viktor Janukowitsch lost its function as president end of February 2014. He left two residences with animals (including 5 bears) behind. As a consequence local animal welfare organisations got in contact with FOUR PAWS and asked, if FP takes care of the animals (and the bears) living in his winter residence in village Huta. A rescue team was set up, consisting of local employees of the bear team (Natalia Tsendra and
Alexander Leonov), external consultant Annika Luerssen and a photographer from Lviv, Denis Sydorovych. They arrived on site in the evening of 27th February 2014 and left on the 1st March, providing fresh food for the bears in this time and gathering information.

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